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​​In the tradition of Ray Castellino, Zephyr facilitates Womb Surround

Process Workshops. This unique modality developed by Dr. Castellino

engenders a high level of trust and choice among participants, laying

the foundation for deep personal transformation nurtured by the

health and safety of a resonant field.

Workshop Format
This workshop is conducted in person. There may be four to

seven participants in the workshop. The duration of the workshop

is four to five days, depending upon the number of participants. Each

person will have a turn and, the following day, a debrief. Every

participant brings the spirit of mutual cooperation and support to

the group, and forms part of the surround for the turn person.

Womb Surround Process Workshops are grounded in the prenatal

and perinatal (PPN) principles formulated and refined by Ray Castellino

over decades of working in this form. The principles will be shared at

the outset of the workshop, as they provide the

fundamental container for the work.

This workshop is experiential and easily accessible to laypersons

with no knowledge of the PPN field. Every person has implicit

somatic memory  of their own birth, which inherently

serves as a personal reference and guide.

This workshop is not constellation work. Although participants may inhabit

the energetics of family members of the turn person, when this

happens, it happens organically and is not directed by the facilitator.

Participants are never acting a role. Interactions are authentic

expressions of each participant’s present experience.

This workshop is not regressive. There is no attempt to place the turn

person into a prenatal or infantile state to re-experience their past.

Such an approach has been shown to put the individual

at risk of being re-traumatized.

This workshop supports the individual to fulfill an intention that

serves their present life. Naming the intention leads to an exploration

of what may be blocking its fulfillment. The primary source of the inhibiting

dynamic is often an early imprint. The workshop provides a strong, safe

container within which to engage the imprint and transform the energy

locked within into a depth of resource that affords choice. The turn

person gains freedom to recognize multiple options and to exercise

discernment as to which option best serves their intention in the present

moment. In addition to appreciating the implications of the turn person’s

work for their own lives, participants in the surround learn to "give

what they were not given," form “I” statements, and provide

accurate reflection. Differentiation and role clarification

are key aspects of the work.


To request an application, please contact

Kilometer Thirteen at

Unless otherwise noted, workshops are

held in Santa Monica, California.

Participants may organize a group and provide

an alternate location for a workshop.



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