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Birth Story


Zephyr's work is rooted in the integrated, somatic

approach developed by Ray Castellino. Zephyr works with

people of all ages to heal patterns interfering with

living a full life in the present moment.


Zephyr loves to work with parents to deepen their sense of

their own inner resources to be with and meet the needs

of their child. Over more than a decade working directly

with neonates and infants in the neonatal intensive care

unit (NICU), Zephyr has cultivated a deep sensitivity for

neonates and infants. Zephyr has a gift for facilitating

small groups of adults in deep, transformative work.



Birth Story is the First Story

Your child’s essence has just transitioned from a purely energetic

existence into the physical world. This is the process of embodiment.

This recent experience is foremost in your baby’s awareness. Like adults,

babies want to share their story. Zephyr will support you to recognize

your baby’s storytelling and provide accurate reflection, which

supports your baby to integrate their experience.


Have you ever had an intense experience that you need to tell?

Have you noticed that you keep finding someone new to

whom to tell your story until you find someone who understands?

Do you know that feeling of being able to finally settle in

yourself in relation to what happened to you because you know

that someone else really gets it? It is this same affirmation

that your baby needs and seeks. Zephyr will support you to provide

affirmations of your baby’s experience.


When a neonate or infant does not receive respect for their

sentience, accurate reflection of their story, and affirmation

of their reality, they are unable to process their experience. This

creates tension that can interfere with the baby’s ability to connect

with self and others. You may observe that your baby does not

find it easy to connect with you, to settle, soothe, breastfeed,

or bottle feed. Your baby may not sleep well or may cry for long

periods or in an intense manner. All of these can be indications

of unprocessed birth story—that is, of any part of their experience

from preconception, conception, gestation, birth,

and the period following birth.



The Parent’s Dilemma

It is rare for any of us to have received acknowledgement

of and respect for our sentience as a prenate, neonate,

and infant. The neglect of our consciousness by our caregivers

at an early age can cause us to lose connection with our

own depth. When we see our own children, we may be unable

to perceive those aspects that were denied in ourselves. Zephyr

 will support you to honor your young self, so that you may

connect with your child in the present moment. This is the

challenge of the parent, to give what you were not given.


The conception, pregnancy, and birth of a child, or

contemplation thereof, is likely to call to the surface events

and emotions from the  birth story of the parent. Even when

there is no conscious memory of events, the body retains an

implicit memory that often displays itself. Creating space to work

through the legacy of the parent’s birth story can promote

greater presence and connection with the child now

being conceived, embodied, and born.



Neonatal Intensive Care Unit​

​​​While your baby may need intensive medical care,

this does not alter the fundamental need of your

baby to be seen and heard, and to be in resonant

connection with you, their parent. Your baby’s

emotional, somatic, and energetic needs

are not separate from their health.


The basic indicators tracked in the neonatal intensive care

unit (NICU) are heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation

level, blood pressure, and digestive processes. These measures

are determined by physiological processes controlled by your

baby’s autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is that part

of the nervous system that functions without conscious direction.

We do not “tell” our body to beat the next heart beat

or take the next breath, but these things happen

due to regulation by the ANS.


The forced isolation of the NICU is sufficient to cause

the dysregulation of your baby’s ANS. Their heart rate

may spike or drop. Their respiratory rate may rise.

Their oxygen saturation level may drop. If these

events are sustained or repeated with high frequency,

they may trigger medical interventions by NICU personnel.  


There are many instances in which ANS dysregulation

can be ameliorated through coregulation with the baby’s

caregivers. When parents are able to spend time in

conscious connection with their baby in the NICU, this

supports healthy regulation of the baby’s ANS. However,

it is not always possible for parents to be present. You

may authorize the holding of your child by others in

your absence. Some NICUs have cuddlers whose sole

purpose is to comfort NICU babies. Zephyr is available

to spend quality time with your baby when you are

unable to be present.


For further discussion of coregulation and examples

from Zephyr's experience of coregulation with babies in

the NICU, see Chapter 1 of their forthcoming book, 

Transparadigm Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

The last vignette, Reed, explores responding to the emergent

condition of a decreasing oxygen saturation level through

the medical intervention of bubble continuous positive

airway pressure (BCPAP) versus through coregulation.​


Kilometer Thirteen supports families in their homes after the baby

has departed the NICU. There can be many residual

feelings from the birth story, including experiences at the

hospital, that may interfere with bonding and attachment,

feeding, sleeping, and ability to soothe.


Elaboration of Kilometer Thirteen's NICU support

services and care objectives can be found here.



Adults Who Were Once Babies

The same principles and support mechanisms that serve

neonates and infants in the NICU also support the healing

of adults. Individuals seeking support to move through a stuck place

in their life may benefit from participation in a womb surround

process workshop (womb surround). This is a highly efficient and

effective mechanism for healing old patterns that are interfering

with present life. The womb surround format was created

by Ray Castellino to provide individual adults with the

support of a social nervous system. More information

about womb surrounds can be found here.



Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Quite similar to coregulation between caregiver and baby, the

biodynamic craniosacral therapist and client come into a

resonance that supports access to higher orders of the body's

capacity to reorganize for health. Biodynamic craniosacral

therapy is an excellent modality for supporting trauma 

release and nervous system regulation for people of

all ages. More information about biodynamic

craniosacral therapy can be found here.

The Parent's Dilemma
Adult Care
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